Top 10 Things To Do If You Want To Kill Your Kansas City Home Sale

Checking The Pulse Of The Kansas City Real Estate Market

Just when I think I’ve seen it all, I walk into a home this week that has three puppies in the master bath tub. The showing directions indicated dogs would be kenneled but who knew this is what that could mean? My buyer was not amused and I was – well, I was slightly amused – until I realized my time had just been wasted because my client had no further interest in the home. So this got me thinking, what are some of the craziest things I’ve seen that turned my buyers off when viewing a home. Here’s my top 10 list of things to do if you want to kill your Kansas City home sale…

1. Put 3 puppies in the jetted corner tub.
2. Sit the cat litter in the entry way.
3. Have a front door lock that falls off when opening the door.
4. Tell the appraiser about an upcoming neighborhood foreclosure.
5. Tell the buyer the mold isn’t bad enough to mitigate.
6. Have Marmaduke’s cousin roaming the home during a show.
7. Have standing water on your basement floor.
8. Stay at home for the showing and tell the buyers to take their time.
9. Have bugs in the home and a note that the seller is willing to exterminate.
10. Tell buyer’s agent they have a 15 minute window to show your home.

And I don’t dare say I’ve seen it all because no sooner would I say that than carnival music would start playing and the bearded lady would greet me at one of my showings tomorrow.

Posted by Jason A. Brown