Kansas City Corporate Relocation Home Buyers Should Take The Bull By The Horns

Hands On The Heartland
Checking The Pulse Of The Kansas City Real Estate Market


It never ceases to amaze me when a relocation client tells me their relocation company had tried handing them off to a real estate agent without allowing them to have input into the process. Fortunately many relocation buyers do speak up because they realize they should have a say in the chosen relocation agent. Doing their own research and then being firm in telling the relocation company that the choice of a real estate agent has already been will often do the trick – and that’s so much better than the old pull an agent’s name out of the hat trick.


The choice of a buyer’s agent in a relocation is critical and should never be overlooked. Some buyers want their agent to have a bubbling personality and others want a no-nonsense approach. Clients who have worked with me know I fall more into the latter. I’m a facts guy, a numbers guy, an organizational freak. I’m not a fly by the seat of my pants, rah-rah guy. I look at real estate as a business decision first and foremost. This does not work for all homebuyers because some buyers prefer to act on emotion and simply want to be pampered. At the end of the day, the most important thing to me is knowing that my clients made the best possible real estate decision.

If I we’re relocating to another state, I’d choose an agent that I could communicate well with; an agent who prefers an email on a Blackberry over a voice mail; an agent who knows the area I’m moving to very well. I can’t imagine being told I’m going to have to work with an agent who checks his/her email once a day. I’d rather jump off a bridge. So if you’re involved in a corporate relocation to the Kansas City area, be sure you take control of the choice of the Kansas City real estate agent that will be assisting you.   

Posted by Jason A. Brown

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