Facebook: Mixing Kansas City Business With Pleasure

Checking The Pulse Of The Kansas City Real Estate Market

In keeping abreast of the best marketing avenues, I’m always interested in knowing which national sites are receiving the most attention. I’m sure most of us would expect Google to be the #1 visited web site in the country — and indeed it was for the week ending 1/2/2010.  You might have even correctly guessed that Facebook.com was #2. But I’ll bet you wouldn’t have guessed how close the results were between the two. Google had 6.9% of the market share and Facebook came in at 6.6%!  The huge market share pulled in by Facebook is impressive and if you’re in a business where referrals are important, not making yourself available on Facebook is a very questionable act. The marketing and network opportunities grow by the minute on Facebook and when I jumped in a couple of years ago I had no idea how much fun it could be to mix business with pleasure.  Many still find the act of mixing business with personal lives on Facebook to be a huge dilemma. I disagree and find Facebook makes for very entertaining business. I would agree that it’s different and not the way business used to be done. Want to connect on Facebook? Find me here… http://www.Facebook.com/KansasCityRealEstateAgent

Here are the rest of the sites receiving the majority of attention for the week, according to Hitwise

1. Google 6.88%
2. Facebook 6.62%
3. Yahoo! Mail 3.75%
4. Yahoo! 3.44%
5. MySpace 2.66%
6. YouTube 2.15%
7. MSN 1.79%
8. Windows Live Mail 1.61%
9. Yahoo! Search 1.18%
10. Bing 0.96%
11. eBay 0.93%
12. Gmail 0.87%
13. AOL 0.71%
14. AOL Mail 0.55%
15. Amazon.com 0.51%
16. My Yahoo! 0.50%
17. Google Image Search 0.45%
18. Wikipedia 0.41%
19. Yahoo! News 0.36%
20. AdsZooks 0.29%

I always find it interesting that GMail isn’t counted in total with the main Google results. It’s on the GMail.com domain, so I’d think it should be. Yahoo is the same way as Yahoo Mail isn’t counted with Yahoo or Yahoo Search. If these were aggregated, Google’s presence would be much more than a 0.3% differential ahead of Facebook. Then again, if you were to combining things, a combination of  Yahoo, Yahoo Mail and Yahoo Search would surpass Google’s total by having more than 9% market share. And in looking over the top 20 list of most visited sites, what the heck is AdsZooks?

Posted by Jason A. Brown