Leawood KS real estate update for May 2016… Get details on the Seller’s market & search Leawood homes for sale

The Jason Brown Group

Leawood KS Real Estate Update

There were 27 homes sold (closed) in Leawood Kansas the past 15 days. Comparing this sales rate to the current 162 homes for sale in Leawood, the city has 3.0 months of inventory on the market. This volume of real estate inventory indicates a seller’s real estate market in Leawood. The average new listing the past 15 days in Leawood Kansas came on the market around a $556,000 list price, while the average sales price during the same time frame was nearly $518,000.

Type # Average $ Avg DOM
Listings Past 15 Days 50 $556,014
Total Active Listings 162
Newest Contracts Written 53 $557,789 101
Sold (closed) Past 15 Days 27 $517,903 72

* The Average $ of Newest Contracts Written considers the list price when the homes went under contract. Data pulled from Heartland MLS and deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Low samplings in a category can skew results. Stats cover approximately 15 days from post date. DOM = Days On Market.

The last 27 homes sold in Leawood Kansas were on the market an average of 72 days, while the last 53 homes to go under contract did so in 101 days on average. We look forward to helping you assess the effect these market stats have on your your real estate investment and the decisions you make when buying or selling a Leawood Kansas home.

The Jason Brown Group gives Leawood home sellers powerful representation and we get our average listing sold within 60 days and for more than 98% of list price. We represent Leawood home buyer’s best interests throughout the home buying process and help with locating all area homes for sale that fit our buyer’s needs. Get an overview of how we will assist you in selling a Leawood Kansas home or buying a Leawood Kansas home and contact us for personal real estate assistance.

Leawood Real Estate Information

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Leawood Buyer’s Agents

Posted by Jason Brown


Leawood KS real estate update for March 2016… Get details on the balanced market & search Leawood homes for sale

The Jason Brown Group

Leawood KS Real Estate Update

There were 15 homes sold (closed) in Leawood Kansas the past 15 days. Comparing this sales rate to the current 154 homes for sale in Leawood, the city has 5.1 months of inventory on the market. This volume of real estate inventory indicates a balanced real estate market in Leawood. The average new listing the past 15 days in Leawood Kansas came on the market around a $652,000 list price, while the average sales price during the same time frame was nearly $642,000.

Type # Average $ Avg DOM
Listings Past 15 Days 47 $651,594
Total Active Listings 154
Newest Contracts Written 32 $506,909 65
Sold (closed) Past 15 Days 15 $641,623 113

* The Average $ of Newest Contracts Written considers the list price when the homes went under contract. Data pulled from Heartland MLS and deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Low samplings in a category can skew results. Stats cover approximately 15 days from post date. DOM = Days On Market.

The last 15 homes sold in Leawood Kansas were on the market an average of 113 days, while the last 32 homes to go under contract did so in 65 days on average. We look forward to helping you assess the effect these market stats have on your your real estate investment and the decisions you make when buying or selling a Leawood Kansas home.

The Jason Brown Group gives Leawood home sellers powerful representation and we get our average listing sold within 60 days and for more than 98% of list price. We represent Leawood home buyer’s best interests throughout the home buying process and help with locating all area homes for sale that fit our buyer’s needs. Get an overview of how we will assist you in selling a Leawood Kansas home or buying a Leawood Kansas home and contact us for personal real estate assistance.

Leawood Real Estate Information

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Leawood Listing Agents

Leawood Buyer’s Agents

Posted by Jason Brown


Leawood Kansas real estate update for February 2016… View details on the Buyer’s market & Leawood homes for sale

The Jason Brown Group

Leawood KS Real Estate Update

There were 5 homes sold (closed) in Leawood Kansas the past 15 days. Comparing this sales rate to the current 137 homes for sale in Leawood, the city has 13.7 months of inventory on the market. This volume of real estate inventory indicates a buyer’s real estate market in Leawood. The average new listing the past 15 days in Leawood Kansas came on the market around a $674,000 list price, while the average sales price during the same time frame was nearly $431,000.

Type # Average $ Avg DOM
Listings Past 15 Days 28 $673,993
Total Active Listings 137
Newest Contracts Written 17 $484,015 107
Sold (closed) Past 15 Days 5 $431,080 144

* The Average $ of Newest Contracts Written considers the list price when the homes went under contract. Data pulled from Heartland MLS and deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Low samplings in a category can skew results. Stats cover approximately 15 days from post date. DOM = Days On Market.

The last 5 homes sold in Leawood Kansas were on the market an average of 144 days, while the last 17 homes to go under contract did so in 107 days on average. We look forward to helping you assess the effect these market stats have on your your real estate investment and the decisions you make when buying or selling a Leawood Kansas home.

The Jason Brown Group gives Leawood home sellers powerful representation and we get our average listing sold within 60 days and for more than 98% of list price. We represent Leawood home buyer’s best interests throughout the home buying process and help with locating all area homes for sale that fit our buyer’s needs. Get an overview of how we will assist you in selling a Leawood Kansas home or buying a Leawood Kansas home and contact us for personal real estate assistance.

Leawood Real Estate Information

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Leawood Listing Agents

Leawood Buyer’s Agents

Posted by Jason Brown


Leawood Kansas real estate update for January 2016… View the Seller’s market breakdown & Leawood homes for sale

The Jason Brown Group

Leawood KS Real Estate Update

There were 34 homes sold (closed) in Leawood Kansas the past 15 days. Comparing this sales rate to the current 139 homes for sale in Leawood, the city has 2.0 months of inventory on the market. This volume of real estate inventory indicates a strong seller’s real estate market in Leawood. The average new listing the past 15 days in Leawood Kansas came on the market around a $447,000 list price, while the average sales price during the same time frame was nearly $474,000.

Type # Average $ Avg DOM
Listings Past 15 Days 26 $446,917
Total Active Listings  139
Newest Contracts Written 24 $570,808 110
Sold (closed) Past 15 Days 34 $474,398 99

* The Average $ of Newest Contracts Written considers the list price when the homes went under contract. Data pulled from Heartland MLS and deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Low samplings in a category can skew results. Stats cover approximately 15 days from post date. DOM = Days On Market.

The last 34 homes sold in Leawood Kansas were on the market an average of 99 days, while the last 24 homes to go under contract did so in 110 days on average. We can help you further assess these Leawood Kansas real estate market stats and we look forward to assisting you with buying or selling a Leawood home.

We give Leawood home sellers powerful representation and we get our average listing sold within 60 days and for more than 98% of list price. We represent Leawood home buyer’s best interests throughout the home buying process and help with locating all the possible area homes that fit our buyer’s needs. Get detailed information on our site regarding selling a Leawood Kansas home or buying a Leawood Kansas home and contact us when it’s time to start the real estate process.

Leawood Real Estate Information

View All Leawood Homes For Sale

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Leawood Listing Agents

Leawood Buyer’s Agents

Posted by Jason Brown


Leawood Kansas Real Estate Market – January 2015 Update

The Pulse Of The Kansas City Real Estate Market

Leawood Kansas Real Estate Update
Recent Real Estate Market Activity In Leawood KS

Using the 11 homes sold in Leawood the past 15 days to calculate the absorption rate in the city, we find there’s currently 7.0 months of inventory on the market. This amount of inventory indicates a buyer’s real estate market in the city of Leawood. Be aware that the low sales rate due to the holidays often leads to a temporarily high months of inventory at this time of year. The average new listing the past 15 days came on the market around $629,000, while the average sales price during the same time period was around $382,000.

Type # Average $ Avg DOM
Listings Past 15 Days 11 $629,164
Total Active Listings 154
Newest Contracts Written 20 $426,357 162
Sold (closed) Past 15 Days 11 $382,364 89

* The Average $ of Newest Contracts Written considers the list price when the homes went under contract. Data pulled from Heartland MLS and deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Low samplings in a category can skew results. Stats cover approximately 15 days from post date. DOM = Days On Market.

The last 11 homes sold in Leawood were on the market an average of 89 days, while the 20 homes to go under contract during the same time period did so in 162 days on average. We can assist you with buying or selling a home in Leawood Kansas, so please contact The Jason Brown Group with all of your area real estate questions. You can also start the process by finding detailed real estate information on our site regarding selling a Leawood Kansas home and buying a Leawood Kansas home.

Leawood Kansas Real Estate Information

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Buyer’s Agents In Leawood Kansas

Posted by Jason Brown


Leawood Kansas Real Estate Market – October 2014 Update

The Pulse Of The Kansas City Real Estate Market

Leawood Kansas Real Estate Update
Recent Real Estate Market Activity In Leawood KS

Using the 19 homes sold in Leawood Kansas the past 15 days to calculate the absorption rate in the city, we find there’s currently 6.2 months of inventory on the market. This amount of inventory indicates a buyer’s real estate market in the city of Leawood. The average new listing the past 15 days came on the market around $563,000, while the average sales price during the same time period was around $548,000.

Type # Average $ Avg DOM
Listings Past 15 Days 41 $563,087
Total Active Listings 234
Newest Contracts Written 18 $488,294 72
Sold (closed) Past 15 Days 19 $548,416 62

* The Average $ of Newest Contracts Written considers the list price when the homes went under contract. Data pulled from Heartland MLS and deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Low samplings in a category can skew results. Stats cover approximately 15 days from post date. DOM = Days On Market.

The last 19 homes sold in Leawood Kansas were on the market an average of 62 days, while the 18 homes to go under contract during the same time period did so in 62 days on average. We can assist you with buying or selling a home in Leawood, so please contact The Jason Brown Group with all of your area real estate questions. You can also start the process by finding detailed real estate information on our site regarding selling a Leawood Kansas home and buying a Leawood Kansas home.

Leawood Kansas Real Estate Information

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Buyer’s Agents In Leawood Kansas

Posted by Jason Brown


Leawood Kansas Real Estate Market – July 2014 Update

The Pulse Of The Kansas City Real Estate Market

Johnson County Kansas Real Estate Update
Recent Real Estate Market Activity In Johnson County KS

Using the 20 homes sold in Leawood Kansas the past 15 days to calculate the absorption rate in the city, we find there’s currently 5.3 months of inventory on the market. This amount of inventory indicates a balanced real estate market in the city of Leawood. The average new listing the past 15 days came on the market around $572,000, while the average sales price during the same time period was around $450,000.

Type # Average $ Avg DOM
Listings Past 15 Days 45 $572,402
Total Active Listings 210
Newest Contracts Written 36 $490,065 70
Sold (closed) Past 15 Days 20 $449,440 36

* The Average $ of Newest Contracts Written considers the list price when the homes went under contract. Data pulled from Heartland MLS and deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Low samplings in a category can skew results. Stats cover approximately 15 days from post date. DOM = Days On Market.

The last 20 homes sold in Leawood Kansas were on the market an average of 36 days, while the 36 homes to go under contract during the same time period did so in 70 days on average. We can assist you with buying or selling a home in Leawood KS, so please contact The Jason Brown Group with all of your area real estate questions. You can also start the process by finding detailed real estate information on our site regarding selling a Leawood Kansas home and buying a Leawood Kansas home.

Leawood Kansas Real Estate Information

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Buyer’s Agents In Leawood Kansas

Posted by Jason Brown


Leawood Kansas Real Estate Market – June 2014 Update

The Pulse Of The Kansas City Real Estate Market

Leawood Kansas Real Estate Update
Recent Real Estate Market Activity In Leawood KS

Using the 27 homes sold in Leawood the past 15 days to calculate the absorption rate in the city, we find there’s currently 3.4 months of inventory on the market. This amount of inventory indicates a seller’s real estate market in the city of Leawood Kansas. The average new listing the past 15 days came on the market around $541,000, while the average sales price during the same time period was around $579,000.

Type # Average $ Avg DOM
Listings Past 15 Days 48 $541,123
Total Active Listings 184
Newest Contracts Written 32 $615,779 73
Sold (closed) Past 15 Days 27 $578,601 84

* The Average $ of Newest Contracts Written considers the list price when the homes went under contract. Data pulled from Heartland MLS and deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Low samplings in a category can skew results. Stats cover approximately 15 days from post date. DOM = Days On Market.

The last 27 homes sold in Leawood Kansas were on the market an average of 84 days, while the 32 homes to go under contract during the same time period did so in 84 days on average. We can assist you with buying or selling a home in Leawood Kansas, so contact The Jason Brown Group with all of your real estate questions. You can also start the process by finding detailed real estate information on our site regarding selling a Leawood Kansas home and buying a Leawood Kansas home.

Leawood Kansas Real Estate Information

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Listing Agents In Leawood Kansas

Buyer’s Agents In Leawood Kansas

Posted by Jason Brown


Kansas City Real Estate Trends And Lifestyles… December 2013

Checking The Pulse Of The Kansas City Real Estate Market

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Posted by Jason Brown

Leawood Kansas Real Estate Market Update – November 2013 Update

Checking The Pulse Of The Kansas City Real Estate Market

Leawood Kansas Real Estate Update
Recent Real Estate Market Activity In Leawood KS

Using the 19 homes sold in Leawood Kansas the past 15 days to calculate the absorption rate in the city, we find there’s currently 4.2 months of inventory on the market. This amount of inventory indicates a seller’s real estate market in the city of Leawood. The average new listing the past 15 days came on the market around $498,000, while the average sales price during the same time period was around $513,000.

Type # Average $ Avg DOM
Listings Past 15 Days 30 $497,956
Total Active Listings 159
Newest Contracts Written 28 $502,591 82
Sold (closed) Past 15 Days 19 $512,929 97

* The Average $ of Newest Contracts Written considers the list price when the homes went under contract. Data pulled from Heartland MLS and deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Low samplings in a category can skew results. Stats cover approximately 15 days from post date. DOM = Days On Market.

The last 19 homes sold in Leawood were on the market an average of 97 days and the last 28 homes to go under contract did so in an average of 82 days. We can assist you with buying or selling a home in Leawood Kansas, so please contact us with any questions you have about real estate in the area. You can also start the process by finding detailed real estate information on our site regarding selling a Leawood Kansas home and with buying a Leawood Kansas home.

Leawood Kansas Real Estate Information

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Listing Agents In Leawood Kansas

Buyer’s Agents In Leawood Kansas

Posted by Jason Brown