Lenexa Kansas real estate update for January 2016… View the Seller’s market breakdown & Lenexa homes for sale

The Jason Brown Group

Lenexa KS Real Estate Update

There were 51 homes sold (closed) in Lenexa Kansas the past 15 days. Comparing this sales rate to the current 161 homes for sale in Lenexa, the city has 1.6 months of inventory on the market. This volume of real estate inventory indicates a strong seller’s real estate market in Lenexa. The average new listing the past 15 days in Lenexa Kansas came on the market around a $299,000 list price, while the average sales price during the same time frame was around $295,000.

Type # Average $ Avg DOM
Listings Past 15 Days 66 $370,238
Total Active Listings 161
Newest Contracts Written 37 $298,983 58
Sold (closed) Past 15 Days 51 $295,451 71

* The Average $ of Newest Contracts Written considers the list price when the homes went under contract. Data pulled from Heartland MLS and deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Low samplings in a category can skew results. Stats cover approximately 15 days from post date. DOM = Days On Market.

The last 51 homes sold in Lenexa Kansas were on the market an average of 71 days, while the last 37 homes to go under contract did so in 58 days on average. We can help you further assess these Lenexa real estate market stats and we look forward to assisting you with buying or selling a Lenexa Kansas home.

We give Lenexa Kansas home sellers powerful representation and we get our average listing sold within 60 days and for more than 98% of list price. We represent Lenexa home buyer’s best interests throughout the home buying process and help with locating all the possible area homes that fit our buyer’s needs. Get detailed information on our site regarding selling a Lenexa Kansas home or buying a Lenexa Kansas home and contact us when it’s time to start the real estate process.

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Posted by Jason Brown


Lenexa Kansas Real Estate Market – November 2014 Update

The Pulse Of The Kansas City Real Estate Market

Lenexa Kansas Real Estate Update
Recent Real Estate Market Activity In Lenexa KS

Using the 19 homes sold in Lenexa Kansas the past 15 days to calculate the absorption rate in the city, we find there’s currently 5.7 months of inventory on the market. This amount of inventory indicates a buyer’s real estate market in the city of Lenexa. The average new listing the past 15 days came on the market around $284,000, while the average sales price during the same time period was around $268,000.

Type # Average $ Avg DOM
Listings Past 15 Days 38 $283,730
Total Active Listings 218
Newest Contracts Written 34 $269,354 88
Sold (closed) Past 15 Days 19 $267,882 118

* The Average $ of Newest Contracts Written considers the list price when the homes went under contract. Data pulled from Heartland MLS and deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Low samplings in a category can skew results. Stats cover approximately 15 days from post date. DOM = Days On Market.

The last 19 homes sold in Lenexa Kansas were on the market an average of 118 days, while the 34 homes to go under contract during the same time period did so in 88 days on average. We can assist you with buying or selling a home in Lenexa, so contact The Jason Brown Group with all of your area real estate needs. You can also start the process by finding detailed real estate information on our site regarding selling a Lenexa Kansas home and buying a Lenexa Kansas home.

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Posted by Jason Brown


Kansas Home Sale Prices Jump 19.6% On A Reduced Sales Volume

Checking The Pulse Of The Kansas City Real Estate Market

The latest market stats from the Kansas Association of Realtors for the month April shows home sales fell 0.4% state-wide compared to April of last year. This decrease in home sales follows up a 13.1 fall in last month’s update. A low volume of available housing inventory is a main contributor to the lower volume of home sales we’re experiencing.

Photo 1658
Overall in the state of Kansas, we have moved backed into a slight seller’s market with 4.6 months of inventory currently for sale. This is down from the 5.4 months of inventory at last month’s update. Along with the current seller’s market was a huge jump in home sales price with the average sales price up 19.6% compared to April of last year. This rise follows up last month’s 2.0% rise in home sale prices.

Locally in Johnson County Kansas, a seller’s real estate market continues with 891 homes sold (closed) during the past 30 days. Compared to the current volume of homes for sale in Johnson County Kansas, we have 2.4 months of inventory currently for sale in Johnson County. This amount of inventory represents a firm seller’s market.


Posted by Jason Brown

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Lenexa Kansas Real Estate Market – May 2014 Update

The Pulse Of The Kansas City Real Estate Market

Lenexa Kansas Real Estate Update
Recent Real Estate Market Activity In Lenexa KS

Using the 34 homes sold in Lenexa the past 15 days to calculate the absorption rate in the city, we find there’s currently 2.7 months of inventory on the market. This amount of inventory indicates a seller’s real estate market in the city of Lenexa. The average new listing the past 15 days came on the market around $306,000, while the average sales price during the same time period was around $270,000.

Type # Average $ Avg DOM
Listings Past 15 Days 57 $306,001
Total Active Listings 184
Newest Contracts Written 50 $259,180 41
Sold (closed) Past 15 Days 34 $269,913 100

* The Average $ of Newest Contracts Written considers the list price when the homes went under contract. Data pulled from Heartland MLS and deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Low samplings in a category can skew results. Stats cover approximately 15 days from post date. DOM = Days On Market.

The last 34 homes sold in Lenexa Kansas were on the market an average of 100 days, while the 50 homes to go under contract during the same time period did so in a much shorter 41 days on average. We can assist you with buying or selling a home in Lenexa Kansas, so please contact The Jason Brown Group with all of your Lenexa real estate questions. You can also start the process by finding detailed real estate information on our site regarding selling a Lenexa Kansas home and buying a Lenexa Kansas home.

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Posted by Jason Brown


Home Sale Prices In Kansas On The Rise With Supply Of Homes Not Satisfying Home Buyer Demand

Checking The Pulse Of The Kansas City Real Estate Market

The latest market stats from the Kansas Association of Realtors for the month February, shows home sales fell 2.5% state-wide. This fall was related to a shortage of available housing and not due to lessening demand. This decrease follows up a 3.8% rise in the volume of homes sales at our last monthly market update.

Photo 1082

Overall in the state of Kansas, we remain in a balanced real estate market based on the 6.5 months of inventory currently for sale. This is up slightly from the 6.4 months of inventory at last month’s update. Despite the balanced real estate market, home prices in Kansas continue rising and were up 5.8%. This follows up a 2.6% rise in sales prices at our market update last month.

Locally in Johnson County Kansas, a seller’s real estate market continues with 596 homes sold (closed) during the past 30 days. Compared to the current volume of homes for sale in Johnson County Kansas, we have 3.2 months of inventory currently for sale in the county.


Posted by Jason Brown

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Kansas and Missouri Are 2 Of The Top 5 States For Lowest Mortgage Closing Costs

Checking The Pulse Of The Kansas City Real Estate Market

Interest rates are still at historical lows, the market in the metro area is as solid as it’s been in nearly decade and there’s yet another reason to buy a home in Kansas City, Johnson County KS, Overland Park and the surrounding area… Mortgage loan closing costs associated with home purchases in the metro area are some of the lowest in the country.

Photo 1529

Bankrate.com has published the results of its 2013 survey on closing costs by state, looking for which states had the lowest fees for items such as loan origination charges, credit report charges, etc. Kansas and Missouri were two of the top 5 states in the country, with Missouri coming in 2nd at an average of $2,188 per transaction and Kansas coming in 3rd at $2,193 per transaction. The national average was $2,402 in closing costs and Wisconsin had the lowest closing costs at $2,119. 

Posted by Jason Brown

Lenexa Kansas Real Estate Market Update – August 2013 Update

Checking The Pulse Of The Kansas City Real Estate Market

Lenexa Kansas Real Estate Update
Recent Real Estate Market Activity In Lenexa KS

Using the 32 homes sold in Lenexa Kansas the past 15 days to calculate the absorption rate in the city, we find there’s currently 3.3 months of inventory on the market. This amount of inventory indicates a seller’s real estate market in the city of Lenexa. The average new listing the past 15 days came on the market around $222,000, while the average sales price during the same time period was around $266,000.

Type # Average $ Avg DOM
Listings Past 15 Days 42 $221,772
Total Active Listings 209
Newest Contracts Written 39 $247,816 72
Sold (closed) Past 15 Days 32 $265,893 85

* The Average $ of Newest Contracts Written considers the list price when the homes went under contract. Data pulled from Heartland MLS and deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Low samplings in a category can skew results. Stats cover approximately 15 days from post date. DOM = Days On Market.

The last 32 homes sold in Lenexa were on the market an average of 85 days. We can assist you with buying or selling a home in Lenexa, so please contact us with any questions you have regarding Lenexa Kansas real estate. If you’re in the early stages of the process, you can find detailed real estate information on our site regarding selling a Lenexa Kansas home or buying a Lenexa Kansas home.

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Kansas City Real Estate News, Trends And Lifestyles Of The Rich And Famous… June 2013

Checking The Pulse Of The Kansas City Real Estate Market


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Posted by Jason Brown

Lenexa Kansas Real Estate Market Update – January 2013 Update

Checking The Pulse Of The Kansas City Real Estate Market

Lenexa Kansas Real Estate Update
Recent Real Estate Activity In Lenexa KS

Using the past 15 days of real estate sales activity in Lenexa Kansas to calculate the city’s absorption rate, we find there’s 6.2 months of inventory currently on the market. This amount of inventory is considered a balanced real estate market in the city of Lenexa. The last 14 homes homes sold (closed) in Lenexa Kansas were on the market an average of 73 days and had an average sales price of more than $382,000.

Type # Average $ Avg DOM
Listings Past 15 Days 23 $295,453
Total Active Listings 174
Newest Contracts Written 19 $214,847 118
Sold (closed) Past 15 Days 14 $382,449 73

* The Average $ of Newest Contracts Written considers the list price when the homes went under contract. Data pulled from Heartland MLS and deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Low samplings in a category can skew results. Stats cover approximately 15 days from post date. DOM = Days On Market.

The average new listing the past 15 days in Lenexa came on the market at more than $382,000. My group can help you through the process of buying or selling a home in Lenexa Kansas, so let us know more about your real estate situation. You can find more details here regarding Lenexa Kansas listing agent services and Lenexa Kansas buyer’s agent services. Contact us with questions.

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Reduced Volume Of Shadow Inventory Is Good News For Kansas City Home Sellers

Checking The Pulse Of The Kansas City Real Estate Market

Shadow inventory is a combination of foreclosure listings that haven’t yet hit the market and seller’s who are behind 90+ days on their mortgage payments. In other words, these are the distressed homes that are VERY likely to be on the market in the near future. As such, they need to be factored into the equation when evaluating how the housing market is doing. While home sellers may view shadow inventory as a good thing in the short-term (because it’s fewer homes on the market now), overall these listings are bad news because most of them WILL eventually hit the market. 

A report by CoreLogic shows that shadow inventory stands at a 5 month supply, down from 6 months of shadow inventory a year ago and the current figure is well below the 8.4 months of shadow inventory at the January 2010 peak. Despite the improvements in shadow inventory, home prices have continued to decline nationally, according to the CoreLogic report. But that is sure to change if improvements like the reduction in shadow inventory continue.

Posted by Jason Brown

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