Lenexa Kansas Real Estate Market Stats – June 2012 Update

Checking The Pulse Of The Kansas City Real Estate Market

Lenexa Kansas Real Estate Update
Recent Real Estate Activity In Lenexa KS

Using the past 15 days of real estate sales activity in Lenexa Kansas to calculate the city’s absorption rate, we find there’s 5.9 months of inventory currently on the market. This amount of inventory is considered a balanced real estate market in the city of Lenexa. The average sales price of the homes sold (closed) the past 15 days in Lenexa was nearly $255,000 and the average new listing came on the market at virtually the same price.

Type # Average $ Avg DOM
Listings Past 15 Days 43 $254,898
Total Active Listings 246
Newest Contracts Written 35 $264,837 74
Sold (closed) Past 15 Days 21 $254,644 134

* The Average $ of Newest Contracts Written considers the list price when the homes went under contract. Data pulled from Heartland MLS and deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Low samplings in a category can skew results. Stats cover approximately 15 days from post date. DOM = Days On Market.

The last 21 homes sold in Lenexa were on the market an average of 134 days, while the last 34 homes to go under contract did so in a much quicker average of 74 days. We help Lenexa Kansas home buyers and home sellers and if you’re considering purchasing or selling a home the Lenexa area, my group can provide you expert guidance through the real estate process. Get more details here regarding selling a Lenexa home or buying a Lenexa Kansas home. If you have specific questions, please contact us for assistance.

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Posted by Jason Brown

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Kansas Real Estate Market Sees Continued Improvement And Johnson County KS Achieves A Balanced Real Estate Market

Checking The Pulse Of The Kansas City Real Estate Market

The March housing market stats for Kansas have been posted by the KS Association of Realtors and they show a continuation of the improvement we saw when the February stats were released last month. State-wide, home sales rose 11.6% compared to March of 2011, following up on last month’s 18.6% surge. Nationally, home sales increased an average of a 5.9% showing that Kansas continues to far outpace much of the rest of the nation in the stability of our local housing market.

Even more impressive was the average sales price in March. Recently we’d seen home sales increasing (a great sign) but average sales prices had remained flat. But in March the continued increase in homes sales finally had an affect on sales prices with the average sales price rising an impressive 10.5% compared to March of last year. Using the March sales rate to compare against the volume of homes on the market, there’s approximately 6.8 months of real estate inventory. This is a big improvement over last month’s 8.9 months of inventory. The current amount of inventory is still a buyer’s market but pushing ever closer towards a balanced real estate market for home buyers and home sellers.

Locally in Johnson County Kansas, the March stats were also solid. There were 665 homes sold during the month and comparing that sales rate to the 3,108 homes currently for sale in Johnson County Kansas calculates to 4.7 months of inventory on the market. That amount of inventory indicates a balanced real estate market in Johnson County Kansas and that’s great news for Johnson County Kansas home sellers. It appears were headed towards a solid spring real estate market in Johnson County Kansas and many of the surrounding Kansas City metro ares that we serve.

Posted by Jason Brown

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Lenexa Kansas Real Estate Market Update – March 2012

Checking The Pulse Of The Kansas City Real Estate Market

Real Estate Statistics On Lenexa Kansas
15 Day Glance At The Lenexa KS Real Estate Market

After calculating the absorption rate over the past 15 days in Lenexa Kansas, we find the city has 5.7 months of inventory currently on the market. This amount of inventory is considered a slight buyer’s market and shows a continued improvement in the months of inventory on the market in Lenexa Kansas. The average sales price the past 15 days was around $245,000, while the average new listing came on the market at nearly $272,000.

Type # Average $ Avg DOM
Listings Past 15 Days 41 $262,972
Total Active Listings 218
Newest Contracts Written 28 $207,241 122
Newest Sold (Closed) 19 $245,303 299

* The Average $ of Newest Contracts Written considers the list price when the homes went under contract. Data pulled from Heartland MLS and deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Low samplings in a category can skew results. Stats cover approximately 15 days from post date. DOM = Days On Market.

The last 19 homes sold (closed) in Lenexa took about 10 months to sell and that’s a concern. But the 28 most recent homes to go under contract did so in a much improved 122 days, giving hope for shorter time on the market for Lenexa home sellers. If you are making plans to buy or sell a home in Lenexa Kansas, we look forward to guiding you through the process. Here’s information on how we can assist you with selling your Lenexa KS home and with buying a Lenexa KS home. Please contact us with any questions you may have. My group looks forward to providing you expert representation through the real estate process.

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Lenexa Kansas Real Estate Market Update – January 2012

Checking The Pulse Of The Kansas City Real Estate Market

Real Estate Statistics On Lenexa Kansas
15 Day Glance At The Lenexa KS Real Estate Market

After calculating the absorption rate over the past 15 days in Lenexa Kansas, we find the city has 8.8 months of inventory currently on the market. This amount of inventory is considered a buyer’s real estate market. The average sales price the past 15 days in the city of Lenexa was about $198,000 while the average new listing came on the market around $325,000. The last 12 homes that sold (closed) in Lenexa were on the market an average of 196 days.

Type # Average $ Avg DOM
Listings Past 15 Days 24 $324,523
Total Active Listings 211
Newest Contracts Written 10 $193,585 187
Newest Sold (Closed) 12 $197,542 196

* The Average $ of Newest Contracts Written considers the list price when the homes went under contract. Data pulled from Heartland MLS and deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Low samplings in a category can skew results. Stats cover approximately 15 days from post date. DOM = Days On Market.

If you are making plans to buy or sell a home in Lenexa Kansas, we look forward to guiding you through the process. Here’s information on how we can assist you with selling your Lenexa KS home or with buying a Lenexa KS home. Please contact us with any questions you may have and we look forward to assisting you.

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Be Sure Your Kansas City Real Estate Contract Is Clear Regarding Which Items In The Home Are Fixtures

Checking The Pulse Of The Kansas City Real Estate Market

Sometimes there are items in a home that the buyer expects to stay but which a home seller believes are personal property. Our local base contract does a good job of covering the most common disputes seen over the years and a good listing agent and a good buyer’s agent can also help prevent many disputes by explaining early on in the process the difference between fixtures and personal property items that a seller can – and probably will – take with them at closing. 

But every once in a while a buyer shows up to their final walk-through and finds an item they expected to still be there is missing. Probably the most common item are curtains. Most believe accept that the brackets holding the curtains up are a fixture (because they’re screwed into the wall) but the curtains, which are simply hanging on the curtain rod, are personal property items. No matter what side of the fence you are on, the best thing for seller’s to do to avoid such a dispute is to write into the contract that the curtains do NOT stay with the home.

Conversely, should a home buyer covet the curtains, they can write into the contract that all blinds and window treatments stay with the home. Whether or not they will stay with the home can be a part of the contract negotiations and one way or another that is sure to clear up expectations and hopefully eliminate surprises at closing. Another item that I’ve seen buyers and sellers dispute is half bath mirrors. In my opinion… If the mirror is screwed into the wall, I believe it’s a fixture and if the mirror is hanging on a screw, it’s personal property. The real estate contract defines a fixture as items that are “buried, nailed, bolted, screwed or glued” to the property. But you’re better off not assuming anything and simply writing specific important items into the contract so there’s no misunderstandings.

Posted by Jason Brown

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Getting Pre-Approved Before Shopping For An Overland Park Home Is More Important Than Ever

Checking The Pulse Of The Kansas City Real Estate Market

Even with a solid down payment and good credit scores, home buyers are being grilled by mortgage lenders before their home loan are finalized. If you haven’t purchase a home in Kansas City, Johnson County Kansas, Overland Park or the surrounding area the past couple of years, the process is sure to be unlike the process you last went through. Liar loans, among many other “creative financing” tactics, have become a thing of the past.

If you are credit score challenged, you may not get that loan. If you do, there’s a good chance you’re going to have to jump through some hoops and wait to hear if you qualify to purchase an area home. This is why Kansas City Realtors won’t start working with a buyer until the buyer has gotten Pre-Approved with a quality local lender. Thinking of working with that online loan officer/company who competed for your business? Not if you work with my group. The last two home buyers who were Pre-Approved through companies like that ended up getting turned down for their loan AFTER we went under contract. Those lenders whipped out weak pre-approval letter without doing any legit research into those buyers qualifications.

So you can see that, not only is it critical that you get Pre-Approved, but you should do so with a loan officer who has an actual office here locally. A lender who knows our market and has a reputation to uphold is much more likely to do their due diligence in providing a valid Pre-Approval letter to home buyers. Thinking about making an offer on one of our listings and doing it without submitting a legitimate Pre-Approval letter? We advise our sellers to not consider any offer that doesn’t come in with a Pre-Approval letter where the lender has run the buyer’s credit and verified the buyer’s income and debt ratios.

Posted by Jason Brown

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They Wouldn’t Dare Eliminate The Tax Incentive Associated With The Group Who Pays 85% Of Our Federal Tax Dollars

Checking The Pulse Of The Kansas City Real Estate Market

The Mortgage Interest Deduction is one of the biggest reasons many people purchase a home but the possibility that benefit could be eliminated is a great cause for concern for homeowners and potential home buyers. The debt ceiling agreement reached earlier this month added a Congressional Super Committee, which makes it easier for Congress to change tax laws…. and the Mortgage Interest Deduction is of course a very important tax law.

The Super Committee will be a group composed of six members of the House and six members of the Senate. The committee will be split up equally between democrats and republicans and has been directed to find ways to trim $1.5 trillion off the national deficit over a 10 year period. They can do so with revenue increases or spending cuts but if they don’t get it done in some fashion, automatic spending cuts will be “triggered”. It could be chaotic if that happened. 

Surely Congress will realize that eliminating the Mortgage Interest Deduction would harm the real estate market and that is the last thing we need. If there’s even a hint about eliminating the real estate stimulus that has been present since 1986, I have to assume the tsunami of protest that would hit Congress would be overwhelming. After all, 85% of ALL federal tax dollars brought in are paid by American who OWN homes (versus tax dollars paid by those rent or free-load off someone else).

Posted by Jason Brown

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Lenexa Kansas Real Estate Update – August 2011

Checking The Pulse Of The Kansas City Real Estate Market

Real Estate Statistics On Lenexa Kansas
15 Day Glance At The Lenexa KS Real Estate Market

After calculating the absorption rate over the past 15 days in Lenexa Kansas, we find the city has 7.2 months of inventory currently on the market. This considers the current volume of 292 homes for sale in Lenexa and the sales (closing) rate experienced the past 15 days in the city. This amount of inventory is considered a buyer’s market but Lenexa is still outpacing many Kansas City metro areas. The average list price the past 15 days was over $300,000 while the average sales price was about $212,000 and that’s a concern.

Type # Average $ Avg DOM
Listings Past 15 Days 43 $302,669
Total Active Listings 292
Newest Contracts Written 29 $251,645 115
Newest Sold (Closed) 19 $211,792 132

* The Average $ of Newest Contracts Written considers the list price when the homes went under contract. Data pulled from Heartland MLS and deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Low samplings in a category can skew results. Stats cover approximately 15 days from post date. DOM = Days On Market.

The most recent 19 homes to sell in Lenexa were on the market an average of 132 days. If you’re considering selling or buying a home in Lenexa KS, we can provide you expert representation and guide you through the process.  Here’s more info about selling your Lenexa home and buying a Lenexa home. Please contact us with any questions you may have and we look forward to assisting you.

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Kansas Real Estate Stats Show Home Sales Fell 15% In June

Checking The Pulse Of The Kansas City Real Estate Market

My association of Realtors has released June’s real estate stats and the information is not favorable for home sellers. Home sales fell nearly 15% in June compared to June 2010’s sales. The raw numbers were 2,990 home sales state-wide in June compared 3,511 homes sold June 2010. The volume of home sales across the U.S. during the same months fell 8.8%.

When we compare the 19,665 homes for sale in Kansas (at the end of June) to the 2,990 homes sold during the month of June, we find there was 6.6 months of inventory on the market in the state of Kansas at the end of June. 6.6 months of inventory indicates the summer of 2011 continues to be a strong buyer’s market. The average sales price across the state in June was nearly $166,000 and down just slightly from June 2010.  

Locally in Johnson County Kansas, the market remains stabilize. 815 homes were sold in Johnson County Kansas this June. Compare that volume of monthly sales to the 4,072 homes currently for sale in Johnson County Kansas and we find there’s 5.0 months of inventory in Johnson County. That amount of inventory is considered a stable real estate and indicates that Johnson County Kansas remains a very solid real estate market in the Kansas City area.

Posted by Jason Brown

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Some Background On What To Expect At Your Closing When Buying Or Selling A Kansas City Home

Checking The Pulse Of The Kansas City Real Estate Market

The real estate closing is usually the last big hurdle when buying or selling a home. Most closings are an after-thought but what goes on behind the scenes is vital to a successful real estate transaction and can surprise a buyer or seller — and even a seasoned Kansas City Realtor on occasion. Kansas City home buyers and home sellers who are nearing the end of their home purchase or home sale need the transaction to go off without a hitch and they don’t want to get confused with the terminology, closing costs and escrow.

In the Kansas City metro area, most real estate closings occur at a title company. In some other parts of the country, real estate closings occur at an attorney’s office. Virtually all home sellers close at the title company here in the metro area.  With home buyers, probably 80% close at the title company as well. But it’s the buyer’s lenders choice on whether the loan will close at their own mortgage office or at the title company. Most lenders choose to not mess with handling the closing and let the title companies earn the profit from doing so.

You may hear a closing referred to as a settlement closing or an escrow closing and they all mean the same thing. The result in any case is the transfer of ownership of a property from one owner to another. The average closing occurs about 30 to 45 days from going under contract, but some transactions can close quicker if needed. This is especially true on cash closings and/or closings on vacant homes. If a home is occupied by the home seller or if the buyer is getting a mortgage loan, it’s pushing it to try and close the transaction quicker than 30 days out.

The amount of closing costs involved can vary greatly from one transaction to another. There’s many factors that are outside of the title company’s control and a big one is how much a particular lender may be charging the buyer to provide the loan. Whether or not an appraisal and/or home inspection are done could effect the final closing cost amount. Title insurance costs also vary and the more expensive the home, the more expensive the title insurance will be (for home sellers). There are other items to consider as well, including varying government charges, taxes and recording fees and most loans will require a buyer to put cash in an escrow account to pay property taxes and insurance as they come do.

In addition to handling the closing, the title company has the important job of providing the title insurance. Title insurance protects a homeowner’s claim to the property because the title company researches and assures the seller and buyer that there are no other issues or claims to the title on the property.  Once everything is in order, we’re ready to schedule a closing time. The title company typically sends the buyer and seller a preliminary copy of the HUD settlement statement. This document details the financial figures of the transaction – for both the seller and the buyer – and this helps to ensure everyone is on the same page for the closing that is about to occur.

Posted by Jason A. Brown

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