Hands On The Heartland
Checking The Pulse Of The Kansas City Real Estate Market
City of Overland Park KS Real Estate Update
Past 15 Days of Overland Park Kansas Real Estate Stats
Average $
Listings Past 15 Days
131 |
$237,676 |
Total Active Listings
1,025 |
Newest Contracts Written
127 |
$233,480 |
86 |
Newest Sold (Closed)
121 |
$253,403 |
126 |
* The Average $ of Newest Contracts considers the price the homes were listed at when they went under contract. Data pulled from Heartland MLS and deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Low samplings in any category can skew results. Stats may not be an exact 15 days from date of this post. DOM = Days On Market.

Overland Park KS
Using these past 15 days of market stats to figure the absorption rate in Overland Park, there’s currently 4.2 months of inventory on the market. This is good in our current real estate market and continues to show that Overland Park is one of the most solid real estate markets in the Kansas City area. It’s good to see that almost as many homes sold (121) as homes that came on the market (131) during this 15 day period.
Even better news is the $253,000 average sales price, which is even higher than the average sales price of the homes that came on the market. This is not something I’d expect to see in our current. Now do keep in mind that looking at 15 days of market stats is just a small snap shot of local Overland Park KS activity. Market conditions vary greatly from one part of the city to another, so be sure to contact me for real estate stats on the specific area of Overland Park that you’re interested.
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