Overland Park Kansas real estate market update ~ July 2022

The Jason Brown Group

Overland Park Kansas Real Estate Update

There were 160 homes sold (closed) in Overland Park Kansas the past 15 days. Comparing that sales volume to the 229 homes currently for sale in Overland Park, the city has 0.6 months of inventory on the market. This volume of real estate inventory indicates a strong seller’s market in Overland Park and a lack of home inventory to meet buyer demand. The average new listing the past 15 days in Overland Park Kansas came on the market in the $510’s price range, while the average sales price of homes closed during the same time period was in the $470’s.

Type # Average $ Avg DOM
Listings Past 15 Days 191 $517,100
Total Active Listings 229
Newest Contracts Written 157 $485,373 10
Sold (closed) Past 15 Days 160 $473,284 9

* The Average $ of Newest Contracts Written considers the list price when the homes went under contract. Data pulled from Heartland MLS and deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Low samplings in a category can skew results. Stats cover approximately 15 days from post date. DOM = Days On Market.

The last 160 homes sold in Overland Park Kansas were on the market an average of 9 days, while the most recent 157 homes to go under contract did so in 10 days on average. We look forward to helping you assess the effect these market stats have on your your real estate investment and the decisions you make when buying or selling an Overland Park Kansas home.

The Jason Brown Group provides expert home seller representation, helping home sellers maximize their real estate investments by selling quickly and for top dollar. We provide expert home buyer representation, helping home buyers locate the best available homes on the market, while providing guidance all the way through the real estate process. Learn more about how we can help you with selling an Overland Park home or buying an Overland Park home.

We look forward to helping you achieve your real estate goals… Contact Jason Brown today!

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Posted by Jason Brown

Overland Park KS real estate update ~ December 2021

The Jason Brown Group

Overland Park Kansas Real Estate Update

There were 128 homes sold (closed) in Overland Park Kansas the past 15 days. Comparing that sales volume to the 176 homes currently for sale in Overland Park, the city has 0.7 months of inventory on the market. This volume of real estate inventory indicates a strong seller’s market in Overland Park and a lack of housing inventory to meet buyer demand. The average new listing the past 15 days in Overland Park Kansas came on the market in the $440’s price range, while the average sales price of homes closed during the same time period was in the $430’s.

Type # Average $ Avg DOM
Listings Past 15 Days 86 $448,889
Total Active Listings 176
Newest Contracts Written 107 $419,862 23
Sold (closed) Past 15 Days 128 $430,935 15

* The Average $ of Newest Contracts Written considers the list price when the homes went under contract. Data pulled from Heartland MLS and deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Low samplings in a category can skew results. Stats cover approximately 15 days from post date. DOM = Days On Market.

The last 128 homes sold in Overland Park Kansas were on the market an average of 15 days, while the most recent 107 homes to go under contract did so in 23 days on average. We look forward to helping you assess the effect these market stats have on your your real estate investment and the decisions you make when buying or selling an Overland Park Kansas home.

The Jason Brown Group provides expert home seller representation, helping home sellers maximize their real estate investments by selling quickly and for top dollar. We provide expert home buyer representation, helping home buyers locate the best available homes on the market, while providing guidance all the way through the real estate process. Learn more about how we can help you with selling an Overland Park home or buying an Overland Park home.

We look forward to helping you achieve your real estate goals… Contact Jason Brown today!

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Posted by Jason Brown

Overland Park Kansas real estate ~ May 2020 update

The Jason Brown Group

Overland Park Kansas Real Estate Update

There were 121 homes sold (closed) in Overland Park Kansas the past 15 days. Comparing that sales volume to the 372 homes currently for sale in Overland Park, the city has 1.5 months of inventory on the market. This volume of real estate inventory indicates a seller’s market in Overland Park and a continuation of the market we’ve seen in recent years. The average new listing the past 15 days in Overland Park Kansas came on the market in the $370’s price range, while the average sales price of homes closed during the same time period was in the $360’s.

Type # Average $ Avg DOM
Listings Past 15 Days 173 $371,918
Total Active Listings 372
Newest Contracts Written 137 $329,596 23
Sold (closed) Past 15 Days 121 $369,309 52

* The Average $ of Newest Contracts Written considers the list price when the homes went under contract. Data pulled from Heartland MLS and deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Low samplings in a category can skew results. Stats cover approximately 15 days from post date. DOM = Days On Market.

The last 121 homes sold in Overland Park Kansas were on the market an average of 52 days, while the most recent 137 homes to go under contract did so in 23 days on average. We look forward to helping you assess the effect these market stats have on your your real estate investment and the decisions you make when buying or selling a Overland Park Kansas home.

The Jason Brown Group provides expert home seller representation, helping home sellers maximize their real estate investments by selling quickly and for top dollar. We provide expert home buyer representation, helping home buyers locate the best available homes on the market, while providing guidance all the way through the real estate process. Learn more about how we can help you with selling an Overland Park home or buying an Overland Park home.

We look forward to helping you achieve your real estate goals… Contact Jason Brown today!

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Posted by Jason Brown

Overland Park Kansas real estate update, June 2018: Details on the Seller’s market & the latest Overland Park area listings

The Jason Brown Group

Overland Park Kansas Real Estate Update

There were 147 homes sold (closed) in Overland Park Kansas the past 15 days. In comparison to the 488 homes currently for sale in Overland Park, the city has 1.7 months of inventory on the market. This volume of real estate inventory indicates a strong seller’s market in Overland Park and more of the same in regards to the fast moving market we’ve seen in Overland Park the past few years. Give me a call if you’re having any thoughts of selling your Overland Park home because we likely already have a buyer for your home lined up! The average new listing the past 15 days in Overland Park Kansas came on the market around a $359,000 list price and the average sales price during the same time period was nearly $375,000.

Type # Average $ Avg DOM
Listings Past 15 Days 203 $359,130
Total Active Listings 488
Newest Contracts Written 180 $334,711 29
Sold (closed) Past 15 Days 147 $374,942 60

* The Average $ of Newest Contracts Written considers the list price when the homes went under contract. Data pulled from Heartland MLS and deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Low samplings in a category can skew results. Stats cover approximately 15 days from post date. DOM = Days On Market.

The last 147 homes sold in Overland Park Kansas were on the market an average of 60 days, while the last 180 homes to go under contract did so in 29 days on average. These stats indicated just how fast the market is moving in Overland Park. We look forward to helping you assess the effect these market stats have on your your real estate investment and the decisions you make when buying or selling an Overland Park Kansas home.

The Jason Brown Group provides expert home seller representation, getting the majority of our homes under contract the past year in 21 days and sold for 101% of list price. We provide expert home buyer representation through the real estate process, while helping clients locate the best available area homes for sale. Learn more about how we can help you with selling an Overland Park home or buying an Overland Park home. We look forward to helping you achieve your real estate goals… Contact Jason Brown today!

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Posted by Jason Brown


Overland Park Kansas real estate update for December 2015… View the Seller’s market breakdown & Overland Park homes for sale

The Jason Brown Group

Overland Park KS Real Estate Update

There were 81 homes sold (closed) in Overland Park Kansas the past 15 days. Comparing this sales rate to the current 520 homes for sale in Overland Park, the city has 3.2 months of inventory on the market. This volume of real estate inventory indicates a seller’s real estate market in Overland Park. The average new listing the past 15 days in Overland Park Kansas came on the market at a list price around $288,000, while the average sales price during the same time frame was nearly $324,000.

Type # Average $ Avg DOM
Listings Past 15 Days 102 $287,608
Total Active Listings 520
Newest Contracts Written 96 $300,574 68
Sold (closed) Past 15 Days 81 $323,684 59

* The Average $ of Newest Contracts Written considers the list price when the homes went under contract. Data pulled from Heartland MLS and deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Low samplings in a category can skew results. Stats cover approximately 15 days from post date. DOM = Days On Market.

The last 81 homes sold in Overland Park Kansas were on the market an average of 59 days, while the the last 96 homes to go under contract did so in 68 days on average. We can help you further assess these market stats and we looking forward to assisting you with buying or selling an Overland Park home.

We give home sellers powerful representation by getting our average listing sold within 60 days and for more than 98% of list price. We represent Overland Park home buyer’s best interests throughout the home buying process and help with locating all the possible area homes that fit our buyer’s needs. Get detailed information on our site regarding selling an Overland Park Kansas home or buying an Overland Park Kansas home and contact us when it’s time to start the real estate process.

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Posted by Jason Brown


Overland Park Kansas Real Estate Market – October 2014 Update

The Pulse Of The Kansas City Real Estate Market

Overland Park Kansas Real Estate Update
Recent Real Estate Market Activity In Overland Park KS

Using the 124 homes sold in Overland Park Kansas the past 15 days to calculate the absorption rate in the city, we find there’s currently 2.8 months of inventory on the market. This amount of inventory indicates a seller’s real estate market in the city of Overland Park. The average new listing the past 15 days came on the market around $332,000, while the average sales price during the same time period was around $273,000.

Type # Average $ Avg DOM
Listings Past 15 Days 139 $332,449
Total Active Listings 680
Newest Contracts Written 131 $262,715 57
Sold (closed) Past 15 Days 124 $273,283 69

* The Average $ of Newest Contracts Written considers the list price when the homes went under contract. Data pulled from Heartland MLS and deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Low samplings in a category can skew results. Stats cover approximately 15 days from post date. DOM = Days On Market.

The last 124 homes sold in Overland Park Kansas were on the market an average of 69 days, while the 131 homes to go under contract during the same time period did so in 57 days on average. We can assist you with buying or selling a home in Overland Park, so please contact The Jason Brown Group with all of your Overland Park Kansas real estate questions. You can also start the process by finding detailed real estate information on our site regarding selling an Overland Park Kansas home and buying an Overland Park Kansas home.

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Posted by Jason Brown


Kansas City Real Estate Trends And Lifestyles, June 2014

Checking The Pulse Of The Kansas City Real Estate Market

Want some tips on how to win a bidding war when negotiating your home purchase? Want to know where today’s real estate market stands compared to the pre-recession peak? Check out this month’s real estate update which includes a rise in pending homes sales across the U.S, details on how today’s mortgage interest rates are doing and more!

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Posted by Jason Brown

Overland Park Kansas Real Estate Market Update – October 2013 Update

Checking The Pulse Of The Kansas City Real Estate Market

Overland Park Kansas Real Estate Update
Recent Real Estate Market Activity In Overland Park KS

Using the 109 homes sold in Overland Park the past 15 days to calculate the absorption rate in the city, we find there’s currently 2.8 months of inventory on the market. This amount of inventory indicates a seller’s real estate market in the city of Overland Park. The average new listing the past 15 days came on the market around $287,000, while the average sales price during the same time period was around $270,000.

Type # Average $ Avg DOM
Listings Past 15 Days 147 $287,123
Total Active Listings 617
Newest Contracts Written 117 $264,559 61
Sold (closed) Past 15 Days 109 $269,980 57

* The Average $ of Newest Contracts Written considers the list price when the homes went under contract. Data pulled from Heartland MLS and deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Low samplings in a category can skew results. Stats cover approximately 15 days from post date. DOM = Days On Market.

The last 109 homes sold in Overland Park were on the market an average of 57 days. We can assist you with buying or selling a home in Overland Park, so please contact us with any questions you have about Overland Park real estate. You can also start the process by finding detailed real estate information on our site regarding selling an Overland Park Kansas home or buying an Overland Park Kansas home.

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Posted by Jason Brown


Seller’s Real Estate Market Remains Strong In Kansas With A 17.8% Jump In Home Sales

Checking The Pulse Of The Kansas City Real Estate Market

The most recent real estate market stats released by the Kansas Association of Realtors (covering the month of July) show a continued strengthening of the Kansas housing market. Home sales volume increased in July, while home sale prices continued to rise. Home sales were up an astounding 17.8% compared to the prior July and this follows up on last month’s 5.5% jump.

Photo 1066

The stats released the prior month showed Kansas was already in a seller’s market (at 4.3 months of inventory) and this month’s stats show 4.1 months of inventory on the market state-wide. The average home sales price rose 9.3% compared to July of last year and this follows up a 4.9% increase at last month’s check.

In Johnson County Kansas, a seller’s real estate market remains continues with 747 homes sold (closed) during the past month. Factored against the current volume of homes for sale in Johnson County Kansas, there’s 3.2 months of inventory on the market, which indicates a strong seller’s market.

Posted by Jason Brown

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Overland Park Kansas Real Estate Market Update – September 2013 Update

Checking The Pulse Of The Kansas City Real Estate Market

Overland Park Kansas Real Estate Update
Recent Real Estate Market Activity In Overland Park KS

Using the 124 homes sold in Overland Park the past 15 days to calculate the absorption rate in the city, we find there’s currently 2.5 months of inventory on the market. This amount of inventory indicates a strong seller’s real estate market in the city of Overland Park. The average new listing the past 15 days came on the market around $309,000, while the average sales price during the same time period was around $233,000.

Type # Average $ Avg DOM
Listings Past 15 Days 136 $308,780
Total Active Listings 606
Newest Contracts Written 127 $271,387 63
Sold (closed) Past 15 Days 124 $233,250 56

* The Average $ of Newest Contracts Written considers the list price when the homes went under contract. Data pulled from Heartland MLS and deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Low samplings in a category can skew results. Stats cover approximately 15 days from post date. DOM = Days On Market.

The last 124 homes sold in Overland Park were on the market an average of 56 days. We assist home buyers and home sellers across the city of Overland Park Kansas, so please contact us with any real estate questions you may have. You can also start the process by finding detailed real estate information on our site regarding selling an Overland Park Kansas home and with buying an Overland Park Kansas home.

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Posted by Jason Brown