Prairie Village KS real estate update for January 2017… See details on the strong Seller’s market & search Prairie Village homes for sale

The Jason Brown Group

Prairie Village KS Real Estate Update

There were 11 homes sold (closed) in Prairie Village Kansas the past 15 days. Comparing this sales rate to the current 34 homes for sale in Prairie Village, the city has 1.6 months of inventory on the market. This volume of real estate inventory indicates a strong seller’s real estate market in Prairie Village. The average new listing the past 15 days in Prairie Village Kansas came on the market around a $696,000 list price, while the average sales price during the same time period was nearly $253,000.

Type # Average $ Avg DOM
Listings Past 15 Days 5 $695,990
Total Active Listings 34
Newest Contracts Written 5 $541,980 15
Sold (closed) Past 15 Days 11 $252,636 47

* The Average $ of Newest Contracts Written considers the list price when the homes went under contract. Data pulled from Heartland MLS and deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Low samplings in a category can skew results. Stats cover approximately 15 days from post date. DOM = Days On Market.

The last 11 homes sold in Prairie Village Kansas were on the market an average of 47 days, while the last 5 homes to go under contract did so in 15 days on average. We look forward to helping you assess the effect these market stats have on your your real estate investment and the decisions you make when buying or selling a Prairie Village Kansas home.

The Jason Brown Group gives Prairie Village home sellers powerful representation and we get the majority of our homes sold in 30 days and for nearly 99% of list price. We represent Prairie Village home buyer’s best interests throughout the home buying process and help with locating all area homes for sale that fit our buyer’s needs. Get an overview of how we will assist you in selling a Prairie Village Kansas home or buying a Prairie Village Kansas home and contact us for personal real estate assistance.

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Posted by Jason Brown


Kansas City Real Estate Trends And Lifestyles April 2014 Edition

Checking The Pulse Of The Kansas City Real Estate Market

Falling mortgage interest rates, a seller’s real estate market, questions to ask before buying a home, predictions of increased supply of homes and figuring out what to do if you feel priced out of homes in your desired city are just a few of the topics in this months Kansas City real estate trends and lifestyles. Although it appears we may be trending towards a balanced real estate market in Johnson County Kansas, we still remain in a clear seller’s market with supply of homes not yet meeting buyer demand. Here’s more details about what’s going on with the local and national real estate market…  

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Posted by Jason Brown

Home Sale Prices And Volume Of Homes Sales Remain On The Rise In Kansas

Checking The Pulse Of The Kansas City Real Estate Market

The most recently released Kansas Association of Realtor market stats, covering home sale activity for Kansas during December, indicate home sales volume rose 1.3%. This improvement comes after a rare decrease in homes sales at last month’s check. The rise in home sales is impressive considering the majority of the closings would have had contracts around the holiday season, which is typically a slow time of year for real estate activity.

Photo 1379

Overall in the state of Kansas, we moved from a balanced real estate real estate market and into a slight seller’s market with 4.8 months of inventory on the market. This is down from last months 5.8 months of inventory on the market. In addition to the rising home sales volume, the average home sale price in Kansas also rose. Compared to last December, home sales prices increased 1.4%, which follows up last month’s 11.3% increase.

Locally in Johnson County Kansas, a seller’s real estate market continues with 428 homes sold (closed) during the past month. Compared to the current volume of homes for sale in Johnson County Kansas, we have 4.2 months of inventory currently for sale in the county.


Posted by Jason Brown

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Prairie Village Kansas Real Estate Market Update – October 2013 Update

Checking The Pulse Of The Kansas City Real Estate Market

Prairie Village Kansas Real Estate Update
Recent Real Estate Market Activity In Prairie Village KS

Using the 18 homes sold in Prairie Village the past 15 days to calculate the absorption rate in the city, we find there’s currently 2.7 months of inventory on the market. This amount of inventory indicates a strong seller’s real estate market in the city of Prairie Village. The average new listing the past 15 days came on the market around $415,000, while the average sales price during the same time period was around $291,000.

Type # Average $ Avg DOM
Listings Past 15 Days 22 $414,500
Total Active Listings 98
Newest Contracts Written 25 $236,130 48
Sold (closed) Past 15 Days 18 $290,953 34

* The Average $ of Newest Contracts Written considers the list price when the homes went under contract. Data pulled from Heartland MLS and deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Low samplings in a category can skew results. Stats cover approximately 15 days from post date. DOM = Days On Market.

The last 18 homes sold in Prairie Village were on the market an average of 34 days and the last 25 homes to go under contract were on the market an average of 48 days. We can help you assess buying or selling a home in Prairie Village, so please contact us with any questions you have about real estate in the area. You can also start the process by finding detailed real estate information on our site regarding selling a Prairie Village Kansas home and with buying a Prairie Village Kansas home.

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Posted by Jason Brown


29% Of U.S. Homeowners Have Their Home Paid Off

Checking The Pulse Of The Kansas City Real Estate Market

If someone had asked me to guess what percent of homeowners have their home paid off, I’d probably have tossed out somewhere in the 15% range. So I was surprised to see a Zillow report that indicates 29% of homeowners in the U.S. have their home completely paid off. It really does surprise me in today’s indebted society that such a large portion of homeowners have positioned themselves so strongly with their real estate investments. 


At a time when an estimated 20% of U.S homeowners are either upside down on their home, selling their home in a Short Sale or currently behind on their mortgage payments, it’s good to know that 29% of homeowners are free of any mortgage debt. The stability of these homeowners is helping counteract the distressed sales in the market-place and is a big reason why areas like Johnson County Kansas have been out of a buyer’s market and in a balanced real estate market for more than a year now. 

Posted by Jason Brown

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Real Estate Market Is Balanced Statewide, While Locally In Johnson County We’re In A Seller’s Market

Checking The Pulse Of The Kansas City Real Estate Market

The most recently released real estate market stats for the state of Kansas show further improvements in average sales prices and volume of home sold across the state. Home sales rose 0.2% in September compared with September 2011 and the modest increase follows up last month’s impressive 12.3% increase in volume of homes sold.

Average home sales price rose 6.6% compared to September of last year. This is a huge jump in sales prices and follows up a 3.8% improvement last month. Comparing September sales rate against the volume of homes for sale, there’s 6.5 months of inventory on the market. The stats a month ago showed Kansas with 5.2 months of real estate inventory. Both represent a balanced real estate market in the state of Kansas and that makes seven straight months that Kansas has been in a balanced market. The recent increase in months of inventory is worth keeping an eye on as this months jump in inventory nearly pushed the state out of a balanced real estate market and into a buyer’s market.

The local real estate market here in Johnson County KS is exceptionally strong. Home sales have remained firm while new listings have hit the market at a reasonable pace in recent months. In September there were 662 homes sold and using that sales rate (compared to the current volume of homes for sale in Johnson County Kansas), there’s 3.9 months of inventory on the market. This is a jump from last months 3.0 months of inventory yet still indicates a continuation of the buyer’s market in Johnson County Kansas.  

Posted by Jason Brown

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How Would Elimination Of 30 Year Fixed Rate Loans Affect Kansas City Home Buyers?

Checking The Pulse Of The Kansas City Real Estate Market

The other day a Realtor told me she didn’t care if Fannie Mae never backed another loan. Her argument was that Fannie Mae is backed by the government and government shouldn’t be meddling in the mortgage business. She added that the failed loans that Fannie Mae provided are a large reason for the downturn in the real estate market. There is some truth to that but the problems we’re faced with run deeper. But even if you agree 100% with this agent’s assessment, consider this… Fannie Mae is the major reason the majority of home loans were made during recent decades. Without Fannie Mae many Americans would not have a home and those who still would wouldn’t have mortgage loans as we know them today.

Without Fannie Mae, there would likely be no more 30 year fixes rate loans made. Why is this you ask? Because many private lenders aren’t willing to guarantee an interest rate for 30 months, much less 30 YEARS. And that’s exactly what Fannie Mae promotes. You go to your local bank to get a loan, your local bank runs a combination of you and your home through the Fannie Mae underwriting system and, if things look good, Fannie Mae will guarantee a 30 year fixed rate loan… and you get your loan. If interest rates jump from 5% to 10% over the coming years, there’s no worries because your interest rate is locked and guaranteed.

But if Fannie Mae wasn’t standing there to back the loan, do you think your local bank would lock and guarantee an interest rate for 30 years? Most banks wouldn’t do it when times were great, so most surely won’t do it today. What does all this mean to us as home buyers? If Fannie Mae goes out of business, the available loan types that our local lenders will make will be MUCH more conservative. Start thinking about 3 years ARMS which put the interest rate risk on you as the buyer and takes long-term interest rate risk off the banks making the loans. Yes, I’m talking about those same 3 year ARMS that caused tons of foreclosures when the interest rates starting re-setting in year 4.

Posted by Jason A. Brown

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Prairie Village KS Real Estate Update * Prairie Village Kansas Market Stats

Hands On The Heartland

Checking The Pulse Of The Kansas City Real Estate Market

City of Prairie Village Kansas Real Estate Update

Prairie Village KS Real Estate Market Stats <> 15 Day Stats



Average $


Newest Listings



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Total Active Listings


Newest Under Contract




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Newest Solds (Closed)




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* Average Newest Under Contract considers the price the homes were listed at when they went under contract. Data pulled from Heartland MLS and deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Low samplings in any category can skew a particular category. DOM is Days On Market. Note the date of this post as market stats become outdated. Stats may not be an exact 15 days and stats were pulled in the AM on 5/20/09.

In the city of Prairie Village KS there continues to be more homes coming on the market than homes going under contract (pending) or than homes being sold (closed). This creates a further surplus of supply in Prairie Village Kansas. Using the past 15 days of sold homes to calculate the absorption rate in Prairie Village, there’s almost 9.5 months of inventory on the market. Triple the number of homes went under contract (compared to homes sold) and if we run with the assumption that all those homes will make it to the closing table (they won’t), then the absorption rate is just slightly over 3 months of inventory. If all those homes make it to the closing table that is an impressive figure and things would be looking solid in Prairie Village.

Keep in mind that a 15-day period is a small sampling of Prairie Village Kansas market activity. This information shows what’s going on now in the current real estate market. While a 15-day period could indicate a trend it does not necessarily show a real estate markets long-term trend.

Posted by Jason A. Brown

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