Prairie Village Kansas Real Estate Update – December 2009

Checking The Pulse Of The Kansas City Real Estate Market
Real Estate Info for The City of Prairie Village Kansas
15 Days of Prairie Village KS Market Activity
Average $
Listings Past 15 Days
Total Active Listings
Newest Contracts Written
$250,686 102
Newest Sold (Closed)
$199,455 58

* The Average $ of Newest Contracts considers the price the homes were listed at when they went under contract. Data pulled from Heartland MLS and deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Low samplings in any category can skew results. Stats may not be an exact 15 days from date of this post. DOM = Days On Market.

Prairie Village KS Real Estate

Prairie Village KS Real Estate

Using the past 15 days of market stats in the above chart, we can figure the absorption rate in Prairie Village to be 6.4 months of inventory on the market. Looking at absorption rates provides valuable information on the supply and demand of real estate in Prairie Village. 6.4 months of inventory is high and clearly it’s a Buyer’s market in Prairie Village. But 6 months of inventory isn’t like the upper bracket communities where some are seeing 2 years of inventory on the market. It’s also good to see such a high average price ($250,686) for the 7 homes that did go under contract the past 15 days. That’s much higher than the $199,455 average sales price over the same period. The 20 homes that came on the market also appear priced well overall.

Prairie Village is an excellent community for home buyers who want reasonably priced homes that have character and intangibles like tree-lined streets. If you’re considering selling or buying a Prairie Village Kansas home, you’ll need more than just 15 days of market stats. You’ll also need to see the market stats specific to the subdivision, zip code (and sometimes even the block)  that  interests you most. As your Prairie Village Realtor, we’ll get you the market information you need to make an informed real estate decision.

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Buyer’s Agents In Prairie Village Kansas

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Posted by Jason A. Brown