Assess Your Kansas City Relocation Options By Viewing Area Wal-Mart And Target Locations

Checking The Pulse Of The Kansas City Real Estate Market

You can tell a lot about an area you’re considering moving to by verifying the locations of certain national store chains. If you’re wanting significant amenities, you’re probably going to want a Target or Wal-Mart in the vicinity.  If you want a quieter setting, away from the amenities, the following maps may show you areas you want to avoid. Click the following map to see the growth of Target locations in Kansas City and nationwide…

Kansas City Target Locations

Then check out the growth of Wal-Mart stores in Kansas City and nationwide in this map…

Kansas City Wal-Mart Locations

Companies like Wal-Mart, Target, Best Buy, McDonald’s, Home Depot and Lowe’s have put millions of dollars into deciding the best locations to open stores. Unless you want to be far away from traffic, or you think you’re smarter than these big retailers, it’s probably a good idea to consider where these businesses are located, how long they’ve been open and whether any of them have closed recently.

Posted by Jason A. Brown