Northwood Trails Market Statistics ~ Northwood Trails Homes For Sale In Olathe Kansas

Checking The Pulse Of The Kansas City Real Estate Market
Northwood Trails Community Real Estate Market Stats
Northwood Trails Is A Subdivision In Olathe KS

Looking over the Northwood Trails market statistics dating back to December 2008, 32 homes were put on the market and 25 homes were sold over the same year period. The average sales price in Northwood Trails was $239,348 and the subdivision saw a price range variance of $198,000 to $324,900.

Comparing the 5 Active listings in Northwood Trails to the 12-month sales rate in the community, there’s 2.4 months of inventory currently on the market. This is excellent in our current market and especially good for a large subdivision like Northwood Trails. The average current list price of $240,400 is also excellent since it’s right at the average sales price seen over the past 12 months. Since this is a buyer’s market and homes are selling for less than list price, the current inventory of homes appear priced very well.

Northwood Trails In Olathe Kansas

Northwood Trails In Olathe Kansas

Northwood Trails is a popular Olathe Kansas subdivision and located in Northwest Olathe and near shopping, parks and highway access.  Northwood Trails is served by the Olathe School District. Many of the homes in Northwood Trails were built from the late 1980’s through the late 1990’s.  If you’re considering a move to or from the Northwood Trails community, I’d look forward to assisting you with your move.

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Olathe Kansas fact…
In 2008 Olathe was the 24th fastest growing city in the U.S.

Posted by Jason A. Brown